Callstack OSS Update

As part of the April 2023 Callstack OSS Update, we discuss RFC for natively supporting Expo Config Plugins by React Native core, super apps, and updates to Re.Pack, and Paper.

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Michał Pierzchała
Michał Pierzchała
Rafał Zakrzewski
Rafał Zakrzewski
Łukasz Walczak
Łukasz Walczak
Łukasz Chludziński
Łukasz Chludziński

Callstack in Open Source

As the content of this episode revolves around Open Source, we begin by explaining how Callstack pays it forward to the community with involvement in OSS projects.

Then, we move on to the first topic: RFC for the proposal for natively supporting Expo Config Plugins by React Native core. This proposal has been released as part of our R&D program. Check the GitHub discussion on Expo Config Plugins for more details.

Super app development

Next up, we throw a spotlight on super apps and our approach to building them. We mention our freshly released super app development page, which includes a bunch of helpful technical & business resources.

Moving on, we talk about the latest updates to Re.Pack, including deal-breaking code signing and remote assets. If you’d like to dive deep into these new features, register for Super app development made easy with Re.Pack” webinar held on May 9.

Last but not least, we have a segment on React Native Paper, where we discuss the latest developments and plans for future versions. We are currently on version 5 of RN Paper and version 3 of Material Design. Our ongoing work includes fixing bugs and extending our dynamic color schemes generator. We also share some spoilers for version 6 of RN Paper.

Enjoy the talk!

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