Webpack toolkit for building React Native apps with full Webpack ecosystem support

Ensure your React components perform as intended as your app grows

Table of contents:

Re.Pack is a Webpack-based toolkit to build your React Native application with full support of the Webpack ecosystem

Re.Pack (@repack_rn) is an Open Source toolkit that uses Webpack 5 and React Native CLI's plugin system to allow developers to bundle React Native apps using Webpack features. It makes Webpack understand React Native codebases and produce bundles that can be run by React Native applications.

The toolkit provides developers with the full Webpack ecosystem of plugins and loaders that can be used in building advanced mobile applications that benefit from the code splitting including:

  • super apps
  • mini apps
  • modular apps
  • underperforming apps
  • apps that require advanced custom solutions

Created by Paweł Trysła @_zamotany

Modular apps

Use code splitting to expose different functionalities or different UIs based on the user's details.

Taking an e-learning app for example:
Code splitting allows developers to separate student’s and teacher’s functionalities. Thanks to that the application loads either of them while decreasing the initial download size of the app and improving startup performance by loading only relevant code.

Super apps

Streamline the development and simplify management of your apps on the App Store and Google Play 

Both super apps and mini apps stores are applications built from smaller, dedicated mini apps. Instead of having multiple super apps and mini apps on the App Store and Google Play combine them into a single one while streamlining the development and simplifying management.

Better performing apps

Provide better user experience by improving startup performance of your React Native apps

Thanks to the loading-on-demand functionality load only the necessary pieces of the code and postpone the load of others while improving startup performance (TTR/TTI) in underperforming apps.

Advanced and custom solutions

Use Re.Pack to create solutions for custom needs in React Native apps using advanced features and configuration options 

Re.Pack allows developers to leverage all Webpack features and enables them to create custom and extraordinary solutions which would otherwise require hacky, unstable or unmaintainable setup.

We can help you to:

Develop and bundle for any platform

Develop and bundle for any platform

Use native Android/iOS or customize for other platforms. Fully configurable, no hardcoded elements.

Configure it your way

Configure it your way

Customize Webpack with our React Native APIs for efficient, seamless application development and deployment.

Maximize Webpack ecosystem

Maximize Webpack ecosystem

Maximize Webpack: Configure bundles, control module resolution, adapt to unconventional structures, and explore plugins.

Built-in Flipper support

Built-in Flipper support

Utilize Flipper for inspecting logs, React components, layout, network, crashes, and more.

Fully-featured development server

Fully-featured development server

Build app effortlessly with Hot Module Replacement, React Refresh, symbolication, and Remote JavaScript debugging.

Asynchronous chunks support

Asynchronous chunks support

Improve loading times by splitting your bundle with async chunks using dynamic import() or manual Webpack config declaration.

Project Team Members

Callstack astronaut

JavaScript developer specialising in frontend and mobile development, but also fully capable of working on the backend-side of apps. Maintainer of the Re.Pack OSS library.

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Rafał Zakrzewski

Software Engineer
Callstack astronaut

Software developer with a passion for React & React Native who loves to dissect and analyze every problem he encounters in his work. He has a particular interest in performance optimisation, tweaking and fine-tuning for optimal results. Enjoys hiking in rugged, scenic regions such as Scotland or Iceland.

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Jakub Romańczyk

Software Engineer
Callstack astronaut

A dedicated developer who puts a lot of attention on details in every task that he does. Always committed and eager to learn. Likes to create things and dive into how they work. He’s interested in improving not only app performance, but also automating routine tasks and increasing work efficiency. Mentor in the field of Performance and DevOps at Callstack. A father of two and a husband of a woman of his life. Those two roles give him strength to move mountains. He has been training the Wim Hof method since 2019 so "Cold is his real warm friend". ;)

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Jakub Binda

Software Engineer
Callstack astronaut

Head of Technology overseeing Callstack's Open Source and R&D efforts. Making sure we keep on innovating in app development space. Passionate about building OSS tools for JS devs. Created React Native Testing Library. And he likes rockets!

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Michał Pierzchała

Head of Technology
Callstack astronaut

TypeScript and React Query fan. Pair programming enthusiast. Stripe Community Expert and occasional OSS contributor. Mentor in the field of Newcomers onboarding at Callstack. Helped reduce shared bundle size by 50% from 560kB to 280kB and boost performance of a large e-commerce. All year biker and tea connoisseur. Cosplaying as a sysadmin. Also owned 20 hamsters as a child.

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Jan Jaworski

Software Engineer
Callstack astronaut

Software Developer working at Callstack since the very beginning. After mastering web, he moved to React Native. Responsible for leading Delivery Team and technical recruitment. A fan of leadership as a partnership.

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Jakub Kłobus

Technical Development Lead

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