State of React Native

The eighth Coffee Talk provides experts’ take on the results of the State of React Native survey carried out among developers worldwide.

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Michał Pierzchała
Michał Pierzchała
Oskar Kwaśniewski
Oskar Kwaśniewski
Łukasz Chludziński
Łukasz Chludziński

Survey results

In this Coffee Talk Michał Pierzchała, Oskar Kwaśniewski and Łukasz Chludziński break down the State of React Native survey results. They go through every section and discuss the most interesting and surprising parts.

The survey was created by Software Mansion, and the goal was to make one centralized comparison of different aspects of React Native development. The creators collected responses from nearly two thousand developers.

Join our Callstack experts as they discuss the findings. Pick up your favorite platform and enjoy listening!

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