React Native News

The ninth episode of The React Native Show comes with some surprises! First of all, there is a new host - Łukasz Chludziński (@loginlukasza)  - a Software Engineer at Callstack. But it doesn’t mean that Mike won’t show on the podcast anymore! Simply put, from now on, The React Native Show podcast will be hosted by either Mike or Łukasz. 

Second of all, this episode, unlike the previous ones, is raising many topics related to React Native and its environment. In this episode Łukasz Chludziński and his guests, Satya Sahoo and Jan Jaworski, discuss the following topics:

- React Native 0.65 update

- React Native Windows update

- New React Native Architecture

- React Navigation v.6

- Re.Pack

- Community news

- React Native EU

Available on:
SpotifySoundCloudYoututbeApple podcast
Watch time:
Satyajit Sahoo
Satyajit Sahoo
Jan Jaworski
Jan Jaworski
Łukasz Chludziński
Łukasz Chludziński

Everything React Native

Unlike the previous ones, this episode covers many different topics related to the React Native environment including the core update, Open Source updates, community news, and React Native EU summaries. 


In the first part, Łukasz and his guests discuss the updates in React Native including

  • React Native 0.65 update
  • React Native Windows update

React Native blog

Lately, they focus on the present and future of the React Native framework analyzing the articles from the official React Native blog. You’ll hear  about:

  • Preparing your app for iOS 15 and Android 12
  • React Native’s many platform vision
  • React Native in H2
  • New React Native architecture

Open Source

After that, Łukasz and his guests take a dive into the React Native community and Open Source updates. You’ll hear about:

  • React Native EU 2021 conference summary
  • React Navigation library status
  • What’s coming up with Re.Pack
Callstack astronaut
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