React v18.0 & React Native 0.68

We want to introduce you to a new series of podcasts under the flag of The React Native Show - Coffee Talks! In this series, our hosts discuss the latest and most nurturing news in the React & React Native community.

Available on:
SpotifySoundCloudYoututbeApple podcast
Watch time:
Aleksandra Desmurs Linczewska
Aleksandra Desmurs Linczewska
Michał Pierzchała
Michał Pierzchała
Łukasz Chludziński
Łukasz Chludziński

Welcome to Coffee Talks

In the first episode of Coffee Talk Aleksandra Desmurs Linczewska, Łukasz Chludziński, and Michał Pierzchała discuss the React v18 and React Native 0.68 based on these two articles:

Give the Coffee Talks a warm welcome 💙

Grab your coffee and enjoy listening!

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