Results of the State of React Native 2023 Survey

Grab your headphones and join us for a journey through the State of React Native 2023 survey – because knowing what’s up in React Native today could be your game-changer for tomorrow.

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Bartłomiej Bukowski
Bartłomiej Bukowski
Kacper Kapuściak
Kacper Kapuściak

In the 34th episode of The React Native Show podcast, we're chatting about something exciting for the React Native community – the results of the State of React Native 2023 survey. It's a treasure trove for all React Native developers, revealing which tools are killing it in the trenches and spotting the next waves hitting the shores. 

Remember how we dissected the first edition last year? Well, it's time for round two. We'll break down the latest findings on what's hot and what's not in React Native, and we're doing it with the folks who made the survey happen: Bartłomiej Bukowski and Kacper Kapuściak from Software Mansion. Strap in because it's going to be a fun ride.

Topics covered

  • A look back at what happened in the community in 2023
  • Hints for reading the State of React Native survey
  • Review of 2023 results with our comments
  • Anecdotes about the beginnings of the State of React Native survey
  • Improvements made to the survey based on community feedback and the first edition's outcomes
  • Challenging and rewarding aspects of creating the survey


Talks mentioning the State of React Native 2022 results

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