Remotion and Animations in React Native

In this episode of the React Native Show, Łukasz Chludziński and his special guest Jonny Burger discuss animations in React Native. Moreover, Jonny shares his insights on developing Remotion – a tool for making videos programmatically. 

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Jonny Burger
Jonny Burger
Łukasz Chludziński
Łukasz Chludziński

Łukasz and Jonny talk extensively about Remotion, but since this podcast is about React Native, they delve into the topic of animations in React Native as well.


In the first part of the episode, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Remotion, for example:

  • what Remotion is
  • what problems it solves
  • what the benefits of using Remotion are

Animations in React Native

This episode wouldn’t be complete without focusing on animations in React Native. That’s why the second part of the episode focuses solely on this topic. Łukasz and Jonny discuss the ways to animate things in React Native, starting with the least complex and ending with the most complex solutions:

  • CSS
  • LayoutAnimation
  • Animated
  • Reanimated
  • Rive
  • Lottie

Enjoy the episode! And if you’re looking for experts in optimizing the performance of animations in your React Native application, drop us a line!

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