Profiling in Native and React Native

Have you ever wondered what app profiling is? Well, wonder no more, as Łukasz, Jakub, and Edu covered the ins and outs of profiling in native and React Native. 

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Watch time:
Jakub Binda
Jakub Binda
Eduardo Graciano
Eduardo Graciano
Łukasz Chludziński
Łukasz Chludziński

Jakub is a well-known React Native performance optimization enthusiast. Edu co-authored chapters on profiling in our Ultimate Guide to React Native Optimization. They’re a match made in heaven if you want to record a comprehensive episode on profiling. 

Lukasz, Jakub, and Edu start with the basic. Their focus is on what profiling is and the most common use cases.

Tools, metrics, and workflow

Next, our experts discuss tools and metrics worth tracking, for example, CPU or memory usage. They mention tools you can use to profile Android and iOS. 

To end the discussion with an actionable item, in the last part of the episode, they talk extensively about the workflow you can follow. 

Tune in and enjoy the episode!

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