Open Native and Universal Native Modules

Join us in conversation with Jamie Birch to discover how Open Native enables the use of native modules across multiple ecosystems.

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Jamie Birch
Jamie Birch

In this episode, we dive deep into the practicalities of using native modules across different ecosystems with Open Native. Our guest, Jamie Birch (@LinguaBrowse), the creator of React NativeScript, explains the pressing problems in this area and how Open Native aims to solve them.

Topics covered

Throughout this discussion, we cover:

  • the current challenges with cross-platform development and native modules
  • the inception of Open Native and the problems it aims to address
  • the practical steps taken within the React Native ecosystem and NativeScript community toward the implementation of Open Native
  • what Open Native is, what its functionalities are, and how it impacts developers working across different platforms
  • the potential of Open Native and how it can further improve the landscape of cross-platform development

This episode is a comprehensive resource for software developers interested in understanding the role of Open Native and native modules in cross-ecosystem compatibility. If you’re looking to explore the potential of a common format for native modules and the feasibility of sharing work across different ecosystems, you’ve come to the right place.

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