Multiplatform App Development With React Native

Explore how React Native makes multiplatform app development a breeze. Learn about strategies for efficient code sharing and check out a real-life case study.

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Mo Javad
Mo Javad

In this episode, Łukasz sits down with Mo Javad to discuss multiplatform app development with React and React Native. From the roots of the multiplatform vision to the modern-day approaches and solutions facilitating code-sharing, they’re unpacking everything you need to know to build applications that run smoothly on any platform.

Topics covered

The formation of a multiplatform vision and resulting benefits

  • The possibilities for building universal apps and how they changed over time
  • A business perspective on going multiplatform with React at the core
  • Our early attempts to share UI and challenges they faced

Today's multiplatform choices

  • How React Native breaks down silos, streamlining team structures and workflows
  • A roundup of different multiplatform approaches you can adopt
  • Deep-dive into UI libraries, navigation, business logic, styling, and animations

Case study of a universal streaming platform built with React Native 

  • Strategies and technological projects decisions, e.g. monorepo considerations and build strategies
  • Day-to-day project realities, such as code reviews or breaking team silos
  • Bundler choices including Webpack, Metro, and Re.Pack

Tune in to grasp the full spectrum of multiplatform development with React Native, from its theoretical underpinnings to the practical challenges tackled by today's tech leaders.


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