
Let’s say you have a perfect bug-free app you’re very proud of. Does it change over time? How many developers work within the same codebase? How familiar are they with this code? How do you ensure your code is still perfect? The answer is automated testing, and this workshop is all about it. Let’s take a deep dive into this fascinating world to boost your confidence from shipping to production!

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8 hours
React, React Native

a. Different types of tests (and the testing pyramid/trophy)

Explain common testing terminology. Introduce the testing pyramid and testing trophy as a depiction of the importance of certain types of testing and time-to-value ratio

b. Static analysis

Talk about Flow, TypeScript, ESLint, TSLint and show how certain types of tests can be replaced with these tools to give developers real-time feedback that’s faster than most of the tests.

c. Intro to Jest

Explain Jest as a platform, show what’s powerful about the library, what’s baked in, explain how it can be configured and extended to your needs.

d. Code Kata TDD

Creating a program based on solid requirements that can be easily converted to test cases. Solving problems one-by-one, we’ll end up with a fully working program that meets all expectations. This is a team-building exercise :).

e. Unit testing

Write unit tests for our app using Jest. Taking a solid ride through the app functionalities, and identify places we want to add tests to using code coverage.

f. Integration testing

Write integration tests for our app to test connections between our units/components for the functionality we’ve just covered in the previous topic.

g. End-to-end testing

Introduce Detox (React Native) / Cypress.io (web) to test in simulators, emulators and on real devices. Guide participants through the setup, identify core functionalities and cover them with e2e tests.

h. Snapshot testing

Explain the ideas behind snapshot testing, when to use it, and common pitfalls. Show how it serializes structured data to a string and how we can write our custom serializers.

See more modules

Trainings level A

State Management With Redux

Every app we write has some kind of state – it could be a shopping list or a gym schedule. The more complex our apps get, the more state they need to manage, hence the need for managing it properly. One of the most popular state management libraries is Redux – a single-tree storage based on Flux architecture.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level A

Navigation in React Native

Navigation has been a hot topic in React Native from day one. There have been many attempts to solve it. All of them follow different concepts and might fit better or worse for different use-cases. In this section we’ll present market leading solutions and teach participants about their differences and when to use one or another.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level A

Intro to React

The following course provides a basic introduction to all of the concepts behind React. The scope of this module lets participants understand the architecture of React and includes the patterns used in daily development. It contains all the knowledge required to get up and running with React.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level A

Intro to Modern JavaScript

This module is designed to help people who don’t have much experience with JavaScript or haven’t had a chance to work with modern JavaScript codebases. It will provide a good technical background to start working with React and React Native or JavaScript in general.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level A

Essential React Native

In this workshop, attendees will learn how to build a real mobile app that's indistinguishable from an app built using Objective-C or Java. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. You just put those building blocks together using JavaScript and React. We’ll guide participants through the framework, ecosystem, syntax, and best practices to build a real-world application.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

Universal React

One of the biggest advantages of React in comparison to other cross-platform technologies is the fact that it supports not only mobile platforms, but also web browsers. In this workshop we’ll play with ReactXP, the library that builds abstraction over React Native, React Web and React Windows. The scope of this workshop is to introduce best practices in writing cross-platform apps, present the best techniques to write code that will be universal across platforms, and provide a few ideas on how to handle the differences in a gentle way.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

Working With Native Modules

The goal of this workshop is to show participants how to write native modules that work well with React Native. We’ll show how to write such a module using Swift and Kotlin. Participants will learn how to bridge not only the APIs but also the native views that are ready to be used in JavaScript.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

React Native Performance

The following course is designed for developers who have production experience with React Native. The scope dives deep into the native side of the framework. It’s a very low level in terms of React Native development. The course tackles a lot of the iOS and Android application development topics. It’s perfect for gaining a wide overview of mobile app creation, and lets you look at React Native in a different way.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

Delightful UX With React Native

Modern applications contain a lot of beautiful designs and highly focus on user experience. The basic React Native knowledge is in most cases not enough to ship a 5-star store application. This module is designed for developers who already have some experience in writing React Native but want to extend their knowledge in terms of writing beautiful and usable applications. We’ll tackle navigation and animation-related topics that can make all the difference for the end users of the application.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment

Automation of development and deployment flows are really important these days. Not only that not many companies can afford a dedicated DevOps team to handle the releases, but also that the human factor might slow down a lot of the things in the delivery process. This workshop is aimed at teaching participants how to create an automated pipeline that will increase your code quality by performing various checks and deliver the builds to the testers or the stores with simple git merges.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

Concurrent React

As Dan Abramov, co-author of Redux and one of the main Reactjs contributors tweeted: “Concurrent React is not a set of new APIs. It’s more like lifting some restrictions on what React can do.” This is exactly what this section is about. We’ll introduce new concepts (and the corresponding APIs) of React 16+ that makes it even more asynchronous and prepares developers to write the next generation React code.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

Code Quality With Flow

The code quality section is crucial for developers that are new to the React or React Native ecosystem. We introduce the tooling that is used to help teams develop better products and improve code stability. The static type analysis tool used in this module is Flowtype.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

Code Quality With TypeScript

The code quality section is crucial for developers who are new to the React or React Native ecosystem. We introduce the tooling that is used to help teams develop better products and improve code stability. The static type analysis tool used in this module is TypeScript.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

Deep Dive Into React

The content of this course is designed for developers who have some experience with React. Those who have been working with React for a while and are looking to improve their skills should benefit the most from this workshop. Participants should be able to write more declarative code and design their components in a way that allows apps to scale well.

Callstasck Tornado
Trainings level B

Apollo-Client Masterclass

GraphQL is becoming more popular every day. It’s a step forward in the communication between front end and back end. It simplifies a lot of the things, especially on the front-end side. It introduces the techniques required to write real-life apps based on GQL and Apollo. This workshop is designed for people that are either not yet familiar with GraphQL itself or want to improve their skills in Apollo Client usage.

Callstasck Tornado

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