Tech Stack Upgrade

Tech Stack Upgrade

Use up-to-date technologies to unlock new levels of performance, scalability, and efficiency

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What we can do for your business

We know how to futureproof your app for a rapidly changing business landscape. Our in-depth technology expertise ensures your business is ready for whatever lies ahead.

We can help you to:

Update dependencies

Support the latest OS versions and app store requirements

Upgrade a monolithic codebase

Ensure a unified experience across multiple devices

Expand to new platforms

Use a single codebase for different platforms

Utilize code-sharing opportunities



Architecture Redesign

Change the way you approach your application’s technology, tools, processes, and structures

Callstack astronaut

Adoption of a Cross-Platform Approach

Get your product to work on multiple platforms quickly and easily

Callstack astronaut

Migration to the React Universe

Move from a fragmented stack of multiple technologies to a unified, React-powered ecosystem

Callstack astronaut


Instead of splitting development across multiple languages, platforms, and teams, React Universe combines front and back-end development with cross-platform capabilities using a single programming model.

Deep dive into React Universe

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